Anthropology of Hazards and Disasters - A New Worldwide Domain for Anthropological Research
主 讲 人: Elya Tzaneva 教授
主 持 人:丁宏 教授
地 点:文华楼西区1304会议室
时 间:2016年5月20日星期五 19:00-21:00
翻 译:马衣努·沙那提别克
Elya Tzaneva works at the Institute for Ethnology and Folklore Studies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Having received a BA in History from the University of Sofia, she went on to obtain PhD degrees in Ethnology and Sociology at Moscow State University, Russia, and the University of New South Wales, Australia, respectively. Her research interests include the theory of ethnicity, nation and identity, traditional family customs and fictive kinship, and the anthropology of disasters.
在过去的几年中,查内娃教授团队开展了新一轮的广泛的人类学调查,这项调查要求收集和研究大量有有关危机、灾难以及各种各样极端情况是如何存在于人们日常生活中的例子 。
在广泛的社会研究中,专家们,尤其是民族学者和人类学者选取的研究地点是根据灾难发展原理选定的。民族学者研究灾害的出发点是受灾人群, 或由灾害形成了特殊的社会防灾弱点的人口文化特征。 文化、政治、经济以及环境这些领域间的关系,就是社会危机的背景,也正是这些因素,决定了各相不同的 人群或社会对于灾害的准备、动员以及预防工作。因此,在挺过并从危机里恢复的整体战略中,对当地社区的社会经验的理解就显得尤为重要。人类学者的任务,是基于地方文化知识标准以及社会政治背景, 展开对危机和防灾弱点管理、灾害影响和后果管理的研究。
The past few years have established a new field of sweeping anthropological investigations which set as their task to collect and study the numerous examples of the ways in which crises, disasters and extreme situations manifest themselves in people’s lives.
The place of the specialists in the wide range of social studies, and especially of the ethnologists and anthropologists, is determined by the mechanism of the development of a disaster. The ethnologists researching the disasters depart from the view that the cultural features of the population which is suffering a disasters or a crisis forms a specific pre-disaster vulnerability of the society. The interrelationships between cultural, demographic, political, economic, and environmental spheres – that is, the social context of the crisis – define the preparedness, mobilization, and prevention of disasters for each discrete group of people or society. The understanding of local communities’ social experience is, therefore, a significant part of the overall strategy for going through, surviving and recovering from the crisis. The management of these risks and vulnerabilities, also of effects and consequences must be based on the study of culturally-informed values as well as their social and political context, which is the anthropologists’ task.
The lecture proposed will outline some basic ideas about the role of the anthropological and ethnological investigation in minimizing the disasters' effect in society, and therefore will introduce an important new domain for future scholarly research also within the current Chinese anthropology.